Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sometimes... just really need a cookie. Today was one of those days. I actually had an awesome day, nothing bad happened at all, I just really wanted a cookie. lol I'm a lot like this guy:

I really love cookies! I had to run to the grocery store for a few other essentials, and a bag of Nestle Tollhouse Semi-Sweet morsels called my name as I walked by....since I had flour, sugar, and everything else on hand back at home from my cupcake-baking extravaganza a few weeks ago, I decided to buy the chips and make some cookies! I followed the directions on the bag with one exception: a SECRET INGREDIENT! That's right, folks, I've gone Iron-Chef style on these cookies. I added a sprinkle of cinnamon, and it made them DELICIOUS! Here's a (bad from my phone) picture:

yummy!!! The only problem is that the recipe on the bag made a LOT of cookies, I can't eat them all on my own and my roommate just started Weight Watchers so she won't help so I'll probably bring them to game night tomorrow to make le boyfriend and my roommate's boyfriend eat some! :) hehehe

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